Is He really able? - Oct. 28-Nov.1
Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. - Jude 24-25
I love these couple verses in Jude, what a wonderful description of the power and glory of God! How certain our faith should be in His capacity to do absolutely anything.
I don’t think that we all really fully believe that God can do anything though. A great example of this was many Christians response to the impending release of Kanye West’s new album “Jesus is King” these past few months. For those that haven’t heard the news about this situation or don’t know who Kanye West is, I’ll just give a short overview. Kanye is a prominent American celebrity, he is a songwriter, singer, rapper and fashion designer who is known for being controversial and often inappropriate; he is also now a brother in Christ.
And this is where our lack of faith in the power of God started to show. When people started hearing earlier this year that Kanye was calling himself a Christian and talking about releasing a gospel album, it was largely met with much eye-rolling from the Church. The general sentiment was, “This is just a publicity stunt, he’s not really saved.” Well, about a week ago he released that album, and by and large any questions about the legitimacy of his claim to being a Christian were put to rest. This is a Kanye West album that you can listen to with your children or even at church, it really does glorify God.
I could hardly believe it when I heard it… and there it was, my lack of faith sticking out like a sore thumb. Why should I be surprised that God could really save someone like Kanye West? We see the salvation of Paul in Acts, a man who’s whole goal in life was to destroy the church, and yet I’m shocked that an American celebrity gets saved.
If we really think about it, how often have we thought that a person is beyond saving? But the truth is that nothing and no one is beyond the power of our Lord’s ability to save. Let us put on the helmet of the hope of salvation, not just for ourselves but for our families, our friends, our coworkers, our government, and yes even the celebrities. Let’s pray for them that they would hear the gospel and be granted repentance!