Exiting Exodus - Nov. 25-29
We’re finished with Exodus! What an amazing story it is about God’s power and faithfulness to His people. More than that though, how amazing is it that while telling the story of Israel’s salvation from Egypt, God is also telling us about the salvation that would come through Jesus? I know we’ve been reading Exodus, but let’s look at Luke today for this subject.
Then beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted for them the things concerning himself in all the Scriptures. - Luke 24:27
Unfortunately, as Christians today we don’t often focus on the Old Testament, and that is to our detriment, because all of OT scripture speaks to the coming of Christ. We see Jesus use it here to teach these disciples, we see the Apostles use it in their letters to teach the churches, and we see the Bereans test the message of the apostles against the OT scripture and believe because of it!
It’s been a significant change for me to view the Old Testament this way. It’s not just rules or advice on how to live a Godly life. It’s not just beautiful songs. It’s not just history. It’s not just old prophecies. It’s not even just a collection of stories that show God’s character.
It is all those things of course, but it’s so much more. It is a compelling and cohesive story of the promise of a savior and the people that desperately need one! It was written by the spirit through numerous authors over more than 1000 years, and it was completed 400 years before that savior arrived. The Passover that we’ve read about recently for example was written 1400 years before Jesus was born! That is phenomenal, it would be unbelievable but for the fact that here it is right in front of us.
Reading through OT scripture knowing that it’s all about Jesus has strengthened my faith immeasurably, and the more I read it like this, the more I see how true it is. Not only that but when we see the pictures of Jesus in the OT, reading the NT is brought even more to life by seeing the fulfillment of those pictures.
I hope you’ve been blessed by this month’s reading of Exodus, I pray that we all would see the glory of Jesus and be strengthened in our faith as believers through the reading of all of His Word. Have a great week!