Week 8 in Review
This past week we’ve been reading Acts which shows us the beginnings of the church. I particularly enjoyed the account of Stephen, the first martyr of the christian faith. The part that really stood out to me was how he responded to being stoned to death.
And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep. Acts 7:59-60
What great love this man had through his faith in Jesus! He is a great example for us today of how to love our neighbors well. I’d like to pull a few points from the account of his involvement in the church to encourage us in loving our neighbors well.
First, he was appointed in the church to wait on tables! Who would have thought that a man appointed to do the tasks that the apostles didn’t have time for would end up featured so prominently in scripture?! Stephen was faithful and obedient in his job, and God used him powerfully through that. (Acts 6:1-8)
Second, he loved his neighbors well by telling them the truth. This is a hard thing to do, how often do we not tell friends, family, coworkers, our neighbors the truth because we’re worried about it starting an argument? Or that they might think less of us? Stephen boldly spoke the truth of the gospel through the Holy Spirit to people he knew would kill him for it! The very message he spoke to them was about how they’ve killed and rejected everyone who came speaking the truth before him! He did this because their potential salvation and hearing of the truth was more important then his own life, what love! (Acts 6:9 – 7:53)
Finally, he loved them to the very end, mirroring Jesus by praying for mercy on them with his final breath during his execution at their hands. Can you believe that? I have a hard time even praying for mercy on those that just call us bigots. (Acts 7:54-60)
So church, I’m inspired and convicted by the account of our brother Stephen and his faithfulness to the Lord. Let’s ask God to give us faith to serve the church in whatever capacity we can, boldness to speak the truth of the gospel, and love to pray for the salvation of even our greatest detractors.
Have a great week!