Arrogance or Humility?: Oct 20th - 25th

This Week...

Hey everyone, there's a new government in place!!  While we may or may not have voted for the winning party, I thought I'd encourage you all with the following scripture....

1 Timothy 2 : 1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

We have a call, to pray, and to be thankful.  Way to many times over the last couple of months, have I seen people be very "undignified" in their responses to political parties.  Friends, this just shouldn't be so.  I'm thankful today for Mr. Trudeau.  I pray that the Lord gives him, and the people around him, much wisdom moving forward.  Remember, we serve a good good father, of whom, puts governments in place. :)

Please also remember Corinne and the team as they prepare to lead us in worship this weekend!  

Upcoming Event!!

Hey Hey!!  One of the main thoughts coming out of our meeting in September was building team prayer and worshipping 'togetherness' opportunities.  To be specific, times spent in prayer as a team before practice, on Sunday mornings, etc...  Times where we would get together and just play.  Seeking the Lord with our instruments, singing scripture, songs, and/or whatever comes to our hearts.  We felt that this may be a key avenue to song writing, an often spoken value bearing next to no fruit.  

One suggestion was to have a night where we could come out, plug in, and worship together.  As mentioned there, I felt we would start in November with a once-a-month evening where everyone was invited, however not required, to come out and seek the Lord. 

So, on November 8th @ 7pm I'd like to have our first one.  A night that includes the following:
1)  Being quite before the Lord
2) Praying together
3) Sharing anything the Lord may be saying
4) Playing and singing: scripture, songs, our songs, and whatever.

If you are interested and planning to show up, please let me know!  I will make an event on planning centre and sign you up!  If you have any other thoughts, please let me know! :)

Songs to Check Out!!

Just wanted to share a couple of songs that have blessed me from the Salt & Light Conference:

You are worthy of it all:
You are worthy of it all(Bethel):
Because of Your love:


Arrogance or Humility?
by Tom Kraeuter, Hillsboro, here to read!!

1. Consider the opening verse: "Love is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way." What could that look like if you really took that verse to heart?
2. It's easy to speculate what could happen if everyone on the team did this, but it needs to begin somewhere. What would it take for you to be less arrogant and rude, less insistent on having your own way? 

Greg Friesen4 Comments