Do You Sing Melody or Harmony?: Nov 3rd - 8th
This week...
PURSUIT!! November 8th @ 7pm
- to follow in order to overtake or capture...
- to strive to gain; seek to attain...
- to chase after someone or something...
Oh man! I want ALL the Lord has for us in the music ministry. Every song, every Spirit led Sunday, every soul won and/or changed more into his likeness, every musician, every idea, more of his manifest presence, more joy, reverence and awe, prayer, healing, victory, well, just plain everything! And I firmly believe the Lord has some good stuff in store for those who seek His face.
This coming Sunday we are going to begin our journey of seeking the Lord as a worship team. Through music, prayer, and the word, starting at 7pm, we'll spend the evening giving back that which He has given us. Please be in prayer as we lead up to this time.
Jeremiah 29:13 - You will seek Me and find Me when you search me with all your heart.
Questions to make us think???
Is participation during Praise & Worship times based more on the anointing of a worship team, obedience, or something else?
- by participation, I mean - clapping, singing, dancing, shouting, raising hands, etc... Physical outpourings of our love for Jesus as mentioned in the book of Psalms, well, the whole Bible.
Respond in comments below!!
Do You Sing Melody or Harmony?
by Tom Kraeuter, Hillsboro, here to read!
1. In a positive and encouraging way, point out some of the differences between the various people in your church's worship ministry.
2. Discuss why those various differences are good and helpful, perhaps even necessary.
3. How could you, personally, better encourage those differences in the future?