Dead...But Alive: Sept 19 - 25th
This Week & Beyond...
Yes Yes, yet another reminder!! I'm looking forward to seeing you all at the P&W Kick-off Meeting this coming Saturday @ 7pm. Guest Speakers: Mary MacLean, Will & Elyse Horner.
More Than Just Sunday??...
Is Sunday morning the only place to use your gift?? I've been thinking about this lately. As I talk with people about their likes, dislikes, and personal preferences when it comes to music, I find I can get anxious about how we do music at Calvary.
There are so many variables, aren't there!? Drummers wanna hit hard, piano's need to be heard, stage noise needs to be in line, three songs is just too short!! I mean, the list can go on, and the truth is, these are all great things!!! The question becomes...what is right for Sunday morning?
Well, what if we ask, is Sunday morning the only place for you to play music?? I'm praying, and I invite you to join, about different avenues the Lord may be calling us to worship. Whether it's worship nights where we play loud and long!! Songs led by young or new leaders at community groups and Sunday morning prayer downstairs! Community worship service/s as spoken about by Darian this last Spring! Lord what do you have for us!? Let's start a conversation, let's seek the Lord for more!!
Questions of the week...
- What is your favourite P&W song?
- What is your favourite album?
Please answer in comment section below!!
Dead ... But Alive
by Tom Kraeuter, Hillsboro, Missouri
And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our tres-passes, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. (Colossians 2:13-14)
It was a wonderful moment in corporate worship. We had gathered for a special evening service dedicated to the sole purpose of worshiping God. Anticipation filled the air as we opened with prayer and the music began. At one particularly poignant moment, we were contemplating the magnificent grace and mercy of the Lord. As we basked in His love, we sang words about what Jesus did for us by dying on the cross. His atonement for our sins brought us into right relationship with the Father. The lyrics were a retelling of the best news ever encountered by humankind. People all around me were enraptured as we sang of the grace we had been so freely given. Love for God and thankfulness to Him shone on faces throughout the room. It was a tremendous moment, filled with awe and wonder. I, too, was caught up anew in the wonder of His love.
Then something happened. It wasn't a big thing. In fact, it was just one of those little annoying things that can quickly change your focus. The words were "stuck" on the screen. We had moved on to the next verse, but the chorus was still being projected. Right song, wrong words. Since I wasn't very familiar with the song -- it was a newer song -- this was particularly annoying for me.
Is there something wrong with the computer? I wondered. I hate it when this happens. Why can't people just do their job? I thought, my anger rising. By the second half of the verse I was getting really irritated. I wanted to sing, but couldn't because I didn't know the words. What is her problem? I wondered.
I stole a glance at the woman running the projection system... and my heart was gripped. She sat staring at the computer monitor, but she obviously couldn't see it. Tears streamed down her face, as she plainly and obviously thanked God for His wondrous grace. She, like the rest of us, was caught in the wonder of God's amazing love.
Suddenly I was convicted once again of the darkness of my own heart. How could I be worshiping God one moment -- thanking Him for the wonderful grace freely and repeatedly bestowed in my own life -- and in the very next moment feel annoyed -- even angry -- at a sister in Christ for not advancing the lyrics on the screen quickly enough. How foolish, how self-centered, how focused on me could I possibly be?
I don't know about you, but I frequently struggle with the sin nature. There is a constant and ongoing battle between the old and the new. The things I want to do are too easily held at bay by things I know are wrong. Yet even in the midst of that battle I can rest in the fact that although I was dead in sin, I am now alive in God. His eternal Word promises that He canceled the record of my sin -- and yours! -- and nailed it to the cross.
Although in this life we will never worship God perfectly, we can still worship Him boldly because of what He has done. In spite of the fact that we may be readily distracted -- even in the midst of glorious worship -- His cross still beckons us to come to Him. His grace will ultimately prevail over all our sin and we will stand before Him clothed in white robes purchased by His blood.
You who are involved in the worship ministry of your church, don't give up in the midst of the battle. Keep pressing forward. He promises that, at the end, we win because of what He has done.
1. What are things that cause you to lose focus during worship?
2. When those thoughts interrupt, what's the best way to deal with them?